Domestic violence is becoming more commonplace these days, but you don’t have to suffer the physical or emotional scars alone. Stepping Stones are here to help you.
People of all ages and races experience domestic abuse, including:
• Physical abuse
• Emotional abuse
• Sexual abuse
And should you be a victim of abuse, here are a few things to remember.
• If you are in danger, call the police. They will know what to do and be perfectly placed to act on the situation.
• Abuse often begins as emotional abuse and escalates to physical abuse. Don’t let it escalate – seek help early on.
• Many people don’t even realise they are being abused. Learn more about the signs of abuse.
• Your significant other will often tell you the abuse is your fault. It is not.
• Domestic violence can cause you serious physical or emotion problems and it’s important to deal with these early. Drugs and alcohol will not help you in the long run.
• There will probably be periods where your significant other is the very opposite of abusive. These periods of calm are often the “calm before the storm”.
• Your abusive significant other should seek help. They have mental health issues and these rarely go away without professional assistance.
If you are a victim of domestic abuse or violence, please call us today and we’ll discuss some of our domestic violence services. We’re here to help.
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