Vision, Mission and Values

//Vision, Mission and Values
Vision, Mission and Values 2020-01-15T14:11:41+00:00

Aims and Charitable objects

To empower every vulnerable woman that walks through our door with the opportunity and freedom to transform her life and the lives of her children and families.

The charity’s objects (‘The objects’) are for the public benefit and are restricted to the following:

to relieve physical and mental sickness and financial hardship and to promote and preserve good health in particular through the provision of support services of any kind for women and their children and families suffering from drug addiction and substance abuse and who may have offended or re-offended or be victims of domestic abuse, living in Luton or such other parts of Bedfordshire or the united kingdom as the trustees from time to time may think fit.


As a direct result of our work we will have built stronger communities, by putting systems in place that enable women to thrive and be their best selves.


Stepping Stones Luton is an innovative woman centred service that is driven by passion enabling vulnerable women to transform their lives and reach their full potential. We empower and inspire women to make positive choices, creating a better future for themselves, their children, their families and the communities in which they live.


To equip women who have suffered abuse or are vulnerable due to substance misuse with the hope, skills and resources to make positive life choices.


1. Safety

  • We believe everyone has the right to feel safe and secure to grow and make their own decisions.

2. Informed Choice

  • We give women the information and support needed to enable them to make their own healthy choices.

3. Collaboration

  • We work respectfully with women and with a breadth of partners to enable women to move forward with their lives.

4. Empowerment

  • We support women to make changes by building and recognising their own strengths and skills.