Stepping Stones has received an award to support our work, and can now count on the support from the Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation’s London Luton Airport Ltd fund.
The Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation is an award/grant maker supporting local community groups and charities. It encourages philanthropy and its funds come from local businesses and individuals and from national charities and organisations which recognise our skills and local knowledge.
Community Foundations are independent charities which:
- Raise funds from all sources to give local communities an improved quality of life by supporting a wide range of projects for the benefit of local people.
- Respond to donors (individuals, corporate or legacy) who want their giving concentrated locally, secured over time and focused on specific aims.
- Use locally chosen trustees to ensure value for money in grants made to applicant community groups.
- Build local capital endowed funds so that help to the community can be long lasting.
- Handle funds on behalf of Government, Big Lottery Fund and other countrywide organisations, whenever our in-place network is the most efficient means of delivery.
UK Community Foundations is the national membership and support organisation for individual community foundations. Collectively, its members:
Are the largest community-focused grant making network in the UK, making over £75 million in grants a year.
- Support annually over 18,000 community organisations.
- Are recognised by HM Treasury as a tax effective service for UK companies.
- Are contracted to provide advice on philanthropic giving to clients of Coutts & Co.
- Have enjoyed individual support and/or donations from corporate names such as Rolls Royce, HSBC, RBS Group, Motorola, Proctor and Gamble and Whitbread, and work with over 6,000 major donors.
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