It allows for improved communication in the way we shape our service. It is essential in order for us to be more responsive to the women and children who use our service and in maintaining a high standard relevant to the needs.
Your involvement can add to and improve the service provision. We support the inclusion of diverse service user perspectives with a commitment to continually strengthen our knowledge enabling greater impact on our policies and procedures. We also encourage the involvement by our service users in the way we manage our services.
An additional way we can do this best is by having service user involvement at the decision making stage. Stepping Stones is overseen by a committee and in the past we have had a representative from our service users sitting on the committee.
If you would like more details about how you can be involved, make a difference whether it be sitting on the committee, have your voice heard or being part of a service user group then we would love to hear from you.
Service user involvement allows women’s opinions to be voiced, listened to, and acted upon.