Drug or Alcohol Abuse Support

Drug or Alcohol Abuse Support

Drug and Alcohol Abuse: 5 Steps to Take Back Control

It’s a sad fact today that more than 185 million people around the world suffer from drug addiction. Furthermore, recent research also claims that 1 in 13 people is either an alcoholic, or drinks excessively. These are very disturbing statistics.

The sad thing about such statistics however is that is that alcohol and drugs are socially acceptable in most parts of the world, and this social acceptance continues to grow. This is something that really has to change.

It seems that almost everyone these days knows someone who either has a problem with drugs and/or alcohol or who has been affected by addiction in some way, and it’s human nature to want to help. But where do you turn? There are of course a number of drug abuse centres or alcohol abuse centres available, and Stepping Stones Luton have a range of services to set you on the right path to recovery, but making that first step is often the hardest one of all.

If you’re reading this because you recognise YOU have a problem, that’s a tremendous thing and you deserve a lot of credit. More than you probably realise. Recognising you have a problem is widely recognised as the very first step to recovery, and in turn a better life.

In this article, as the title indicates, we will talk about the recognised five steps that you will need to take in order to take back control over your life, but first, we’ll discuss the most common signs and symptoms of someone who needs drug or alcohol addiction support. Again, if you are seeking help for yourself, you will probably recognise many of these signs, and sincere congratulations for coming this far.

Signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol addiction

  • Extreme changes in mood
  • Extreme weight losses or weight gains
  • Lying and/or stealing
  • Physical manifestiations such as frequently dilated pupils
  • New social groups
  • Compulsive behaviours
  • Memory loss
  • Decreased ambition

Each of the common symptoms above come with either inherent social and psychological problems attached, but you can turn things around – for you, or for someone you know. Here are five steps you/they will need to take in order to regain control.

Five Steps to Regaining Control

Step One: Recognize you have a problem

As previously mentioned, this is first and the most basic step, but probably the most important. You need to want to help yourself first before anyone else can help you. Give yourself permission to get better.

Step Two: Believe

Change is possible, and you must believe this is the case without a shadow of a doubt. This is a difficult step, because people seeking addiction help can often fall into depression, and in then turn back to their addiction to cope, instead of the support available.

Step Three: Make Changes

Making positive changes to your lifestyle, and remove the negative where possible. Exercise and eat a healthy diet. Exercise is actually a fantastic tool you can use in beating an addiction.

Step Four: Find People That Will Help You

A support network is valuable to recovery, often essential. Sharing experiences with people who have either been in a similar situation, or who have encountered people who have been in such situations can be of incredible benefit to your recovery. Go to your local addiction recovery, or support centre. Use telephone support lines especially set up to advise.

Step Five: Reward Yourself

This may seem silly, but rewarding yourself for the positive changes you are making helps anchor the belief and the change for the better.

Remember, you are not alone. Stepping Stones offer free support for women with alcohol addition or drug problems. Call us today for more information.

We wish you all the best in your journey!

About the Author:

Stepping Stones was set up in May 2008. We are a registered charity (Charity number 1162349) offering free, confidential and non judgmental support.

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